FRUMPS - Maybe Chilly, Still Hilly, Probably Rainy Ride around Bainbridge + troll! Note: 9:30 start


  • Advance registration required for all participants. If you decide not to ride, please click Cancel My Registration below to open space for others. (How to cancel
  • Attendance at the pre-ride safety briefing is required to participate in the ride.
  • If you have tested positive for COVID or have been exposed to someone with COVID, follow the quarantine and isolation guidelines. In general, if you have COVID or are displaying COVID symptoms, or if you are sick with the flu or a cold, you should not participate in group rides.
  • Carry a face covering in case a business or public transit requires their use.
  • Please, no spitting or “snot-rockets” while participating.
  • A CPSC certified helmet is required to be worn to participate.

If you are new, please read our newcomer information.

Register Now  4 of 15 spaces remaining.
Date and Time: 
Friday, October 27, 2023 - 9:30am
Add to Calendar
Start Location: 
Bainbridge Ferry Bike Lane
Colman Dock
Seattle, WA 98104
Contact Information: 
Ryan Baum
34 miles
Elevation Gain: 
2,315 feet
Weather Cancellation: 
E-bike friendly
Fitness / Health

Ride the Chilly Hilly route in Fall - it's got to be better weather than February, right? Plus now there's a Troll. 34.0 miles, still hilly, maybe chilly, probably rainy. We will ride at moderate pace equivalent to 14-16mph on flat terrain.

Let's meet onboard the Washington State Ferry headed to Bainbridge Island, departing from the ferry terminal at 9:35 am.  Riders need to ride through the toll gate, pay $10.85 (age 19 - 64) or $5.90 (age 65 & over) for round trip fare, and be in the bicycle waiting queue for Bainbridge by 9:30 am. The mandatory pre-ride safety briefing will be held onboard the vessel in the cafe area. We expect to start riding around 10:20 am and will disembark as a group.

Parking: Street parking in downtown Seattle can be challenging so you may want to bike to the Ferry Terminal.

Hills: We will climb and descend hills at our own pace, regrouping as needed at the top of big climbs (e.g Peterson Hill, Baker Hill)

Route changes: We will follow the Chilly Hilly route with two exceptions. 1) We will avoid the dangerous 4 lane, no signal crossing of WA-305 at Northwest Hidden Cove Road that is flagged during the Chilly Hilly and deviate 1mi to cross at Northeast Day Road where there is a traffic light. We rejoin the Chilly Hilly road at Manzanita. 2) Instead of going through downtown Winslow, we'll make a detour up to the high school and Sakai park to check out the new Troll installation before returning to the Ferry Dock via the Sound to Olympics bike path along 305.

Rest Stops: Restrooms are available onboard the ferry. We will stop along the way for restrooms/water at mile 14.0 (Battle Point Park), and there will be a coffee/pastry stop at mile 24.4. There are multiple food options in downtown Bainbridge Island at the end of the ride as well as restrooms and the Commuter Coffee stand at the Ferry terminal.

Return: Ferries run approximately every hour.  There is no additional fee to return to Seattle. We'll try to target the 2:55 return ferry, but could be earlier or later depending on group travel speed and ferry delays.

What to Bring: Please bring a spare tube and tools to fix a flat, just in case. Plan on fenders and rain jacket with rain being likely.

Cancelation: We will ride regardless of rain, but may cancel if very stormy or windy weather. If weather conditions meet the weather cancelation criterion listed above or if there are unforeseen hazardous riding conditions or other unexpected events, the Ride Leader will post a ride-canceled note in the Comments section below at least two hours prior to the start and Ride Leader(s) will not be at the start location.

We hope you can join us!

Bainbridge Ferry Bike Lane
Colman Dock
Seattle, WA 98104
Ride Leader(s)

Registrations so far...
Moderate: [14-16mph]

11 rider(s)