
Bike Safety Assemblies

As of 2023 we are currently not holding bike assemblies

please reach out to if you would like more information. 

Bike Safety assemblies are half-hour interactive presentations that can be tailored to the community and age groups we are serving. Typically assemblies are delivered to the following age groups: Elementary (K-2nd grade and 3rd-5th grade) and Middle School (6th-8th grade).

Whether you are gearing up for Bike to School Month or wanting to reinforce safe riding behavior in your learning community, an assembly can be a fun and engaging way to introduce safe riding practices to current and future student riders.

Elementary School Assemblies

We use repitition, rhyme, and interactive scenarios to introduce and review the following safety tips:

  • Importance of wearing a helmet and proper helmet fit ("eyes, ears, mouth" check)
  • Interactive scenarios reinforcing helmet safety (a guest watermelon is used for demonstration purposes!) 
  • Looking both ways before exiting a driveway
  • Hand signals (introduction and review)
  • Importance of making eye contact with drivers, pedestrians and cyclists
  • Proper braking techniques
  • Road hazard avoidance
  • Short Q & A (time permitting)

For 3rd-5th grade students the following items can be incorporated:

  • ABC (Air, Brakes, Chain) Quick-Check
Middle School Assemblies

We combine demonstrations, powerpoint slides and interactive quizzes to introduce and review the following:

  • Proper helmet fit
  • Lane positioning
  • Hand signals (review and practice)
  • Scanning for drivers and cyclists
  • Right of way (drivers and pedestrians)
  • Road hazards and hazard avoidance techniques
  • Proper braking technique
  • Trail riding etiquitte
  • ABC (Air, Brakes, Chain) Quick-check
  • Short Q & A (time permitting)

There is a lot of information to cover in a short period of time! We strongly recommend allowing the full 30 minutes to introduce these safety tips, as the material cannot be condensed in a shorter period of time. Also, true learning happens with repitition, practice and more repitition. Reviewing the information covered in a bike safety assembly is important. Whether in P.E., at a bike rodeo, at home, or during Bike Month, repitition and practice will help make safe riding practices instinctual. We hope that your students can be stewards of safety for their families and communities. Let us help you get started!

Assemblies are $150 per 30 minute session. To schedule an assembly at your school, please contact: 
