Blog - Club News

Club News
Members, you have voted! We're excited to announce the newly (re)elected boardmembers: George...
Club News
Welcome new staff!
Club News
Look at all those membership cards going out of the door! We’re so happy to have you all on board...
Club News
Whether you are new to Cascade or a longtime member, there is always something to learn about your...
Club News
Four people have stepped up to run for two spots on the Cascade Bicycle Club board of directors :...
Club News
At Cascade, we have a tremendous opportunity to encourage people to bicycle, reduce the size of our...
Club News
If you had told Tom Gibbs six months ago that he would be standing onstage at this year’s Bike Month Awards and Recognition Celebration as the 2012 Group Health Commute Challenge Captain of the Year, he probably wouldn’t have believed you. After all, he’s so new to bike commuting that he doesn’t yet own a set of fenders.
