Raising Member Dues to Meet our Mission
  • Cascade is raising its individual and family dues while retaining its student and limited income rate.
  • Now is a great time to gift a membership prior to the increase on Jan. 1, 2023.

Due to rising costs, Cascade Bicycle Club will impose a modest dues increase–its first since 2018–beginning on Jan. 1, 2023.

Membership dues will rise to $60 for individuals, and to $90 for families. 

Because of the organization’s mission to expand access to bicycling for individuals experiencing financial barriers, dues for students and individuals with limited incomes will remain at $15.

“We have been very intentional in holding our dues flat for the past four years as we all navigated the challenges and financial difficulties caused by the pandemic,” says Executive Director Lee Lambert. “This slight increase in our regular member dues will enable us to keep costs down for students and for individuals who have been most impacted by the financial turmoil of the past few years.”

The Board of Directors approved the increase at its November meeting. 

Membership dues support Cascade’s Mission of expanding access to bicycling for all, as well as our community aid initiatives such as the Pedaling Relief Project, our education efforts including the Major Taylor Project, our policy and advocacy work fighting for more safe bike infrastructure, our 24/7/365 Free Group Rides, and more.

Membership also comes with many benefits. Members get discounts on Cascade rides, voting rights, invitations to annual member meetings and parties, and pro-deals and discounts with bicycle-friendly businesses. Click here to see our list of membership benefits. 

Now, prior to Jan. 1, is a great time to gift a membership to a friend or family member at the $45 individual rate or the $70 family rate. Existing members can lock in their current membership rate for 2023 by renewing in December.

Join or renew here, and thank you for supporting Cascade’s mission of bringing people together to experience the joy of bicycling through transportation, recreation, and friendship.