Speak Up for Safer Bicycling in the Seattle Transportation Plan
  • Join us at the Seattle Transportation Plan Open House sessions on Jan. 28 and 31 to help make bicycling safe, comfortable, and convenient for all.

Every new bike lane starts as a sketch in a city transportation plan. These plans are critical in making a connected, protected bike network. Right now, the city is creating the Seattle Transportation Plan that will lay out street improvements and a bike network for the next 20 years. 

Over the last year, Cascade and community advocates like you have been speaking out for a Seattle Transportation Plan that includes a connected, protected, citywide bike network. We want a Seattle where everyone who wants to can get around safely, comfortably, and conveniently by bike, no matter where they’re going. 

Your chance to make a difference on Seattle’s bike infrastructure plans is quickly approaching. The city recently released draft bike network maps and is asking for public feedback. Join us at one of two open houses to help make sure our shared vision of safe and accessible biking across Seattle is captured in the Seattle Transportation Plan. 

Seattle Transportation Plan Community Open Houses
  • Saturday, Jan. 28, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

  • Tuesday, Jan. 31, 4-7 p.m.

Location: Bertha Knight Landes room at Seattle City Hall (600 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104). Access this room from the 4th Avenue entrance (ADA accessible) or the 5th Avenue entrance.

Open House Talking Points 
  • I prefer bike routes that are built on arterials wherever possible. Safe bike routes along arterials provide direct and convenient connections to essential services, transit connections, and other daily needs. 

  • The bike network must fill gaps in routes to everyday destinations. Gaps in bike infrastructure leave people unprotected, often requiring them to bike near fast-moving vehicles. This is both scary and dangerous, and these gaps prevent many people from bicycling. We want a connected bike network that encourages riders of all ages and abilities to bike to their destinations without worrying that a bike lane will suddenly end.

  • The network must be built so that people of all ages and abilities feel safe and comfortable. Right now, the proposed maps don't define whether the city will build protected bike lanes, striped bike lanes, or something else. We want the city to build protected bike infrastructure wherever possible. If the routes don’t feel safe for people of all ages and abilities, fewer people will use them. 

  • I support the concept of streets as public spaces. The addition of a “people’s streets and public spaces” map in this transportation plan is exciting! We want the city to develop these in partnership with communities in every Seattle neighborhood. Let’s create pedestrian-friendly and low/no-car areas that foster community, decrease carbon emissions, and improve health. 

What to Expect/How to Prepare

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your time at either Open House: 

  • Drop in when you can, even if for a short time! These Open Houses are designed for you to show up when you can and stay as long as you’d like. There will be no formal presentation. Review the different draft transportation maps, leave written comments, and speak with Seattle Dept. of Transportation staff. No RSVP required. 

  • Prepare 3-5 points ahead of time. Leaving feedback and speaking with staff members will occur informally, but it’s a good idea to have some general thoughts gathered. Think ahead about the places you bike to: Which routes feel safe? Which don’t? What qualities make a route feel safe to bike? Are there places you want to bike to, but right now don’t feel safe?

  • Find the General Information Station.This station is a good first stop to get an overview of the plan and understand how these draft maps fit into the process of creating the transportation plan. Stop by the bike network station next! 

  • Tell Your Story. Biking in Seattle can be an incredibly personal experience, especially when it comes to feeling safe. Whether you ride daily or don’t currently ride because of unsafe streets, use your own experiences to talk about why safe, protected bike routes are so important. Including a personal element is a meaningful and memorable way to shape your feedback at the stations. 

Learn More

If you can’t make it to either of the Open Houses or want to make additional comments on the Seattle Transportation Plan: https://seattletransportationplan.infocommunity.org/#map 

Sign up to stay informed about the Seattle Transportation Plan: https://p2a.co/sgunrmv