Who to contact

Not sure where to direct your questions and comments? The following list should help you find the right person. 

Event Registration Customer Service (206) 522-3222
Membership Lida Ford (206) 620-0799
Donations Alison Driver (206) 620-1255
Free Group Rides Davíd Urbina (206) 620-0801
Bicycle Policy & Infrastructure

Vicky Clake

(206) 620-0454
Bike Everywhere Month Rachel Schaeffer (206) 522-3222
Advertising & Guest Submissions Communications & Marketing (206) 522-3222
Youth and Adult Education Amy Korver (206) 522-3222
Bike Maps Bike Maps (206) 522-3222
Partnership and Sponsor Opportunities Alison Driver (206) 620-1255
Volunteer for an event or for the organization Maxwell Burton

(206) 915-2381

Bike Everywhere Lunch Lida Ford (206) 620-0455
News Stories & Public Relations Public Relations (206) 620-1527
Website Content Communications & Marketing (206) 620-1527